If we remember, on may 2000 I love You Virus made history and have been believed began here in the phils. which partlytrue. And was kept secret up to now whom it may originated but there were arrest made of so called hacker from AMA . 
Para sa ating kaalaman (For our info) here is the short story of this virus.
The virus arrived in e-mail boxes on May 4, 2000, with the simple subject of "ILOVEYOU" and an attachment "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs". Upon opening the attachment, the virus sent a copy of itself to everyone in the user's address list, posing as the user. It also made a number of malicious changes to the user's system.
Such propagation mechanism (though in IBM mainframe rather than MS WindowsChristmas Tree EXEC of 1987, which brought down a large fraction of the world's mainframes at the time.
It began in the Philippines on may 4 2000, and spread across the world in one day (traveling from Hong-Kong to Europe to the United States), infecting 10 percent of all computers connected to the Internet and causing about $5.5 billion in damage. Most of the "damage" was the labor of getting rid of the virus. The Pentagon, CIA, and the British Parliament had to shut down their e-mail systems to get rid of the virus, as did most large corporations. But want to know the source code-program written- of this virus. Find interest in the code below. I print, scan it and save to jpeg format so as not to pose any danger in ur pc.
Written using VBS (thanks to microsoft..waah).. Java Virtual Machine i think more secured. The source code.
Click image to enlarge.

This is for educational purposes only, just to show how easy it is to write a program that have so much destructive power then. 4 pages of code could results billions in losses.
WARNING FROM ramilcvaliente.blogspot.com: The Virus Source Code is for information purposes only, for researchers and computer virus or programming enthusiasts. No warranty is given or to be implied for any software listings contained herein. You take full responsibility for any damages caused by compiling, running, or sharing this information. Be aware that running any malicious code on another's computer or computer network might be a criminal act. Use at your own risk!